The Ultimate Infographic Inspiration List
Visual libraries and resources from some of the top nonprofits & government agencies.
The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) has a robust resource library of visuals, infographics, guides and fact sheets.
When you get thinking about your next infographic, there’s so many things to consider – document size and orientation, graphic style, ratio of text vs. graphics, color palette & fonts – not to mention the endless possibilities of ways to organize the data. Google Images and Pinterest are a great place to start your brainstorm process (here’s my Pinterest board of things around the web that have inspired me: Maps & Infographics Inspiration), and I wanted to create and share my own list of resources for visual inspiration that’s geared towards the nonprofit and mission-driven world.
Below is a roundup of some infographic libraries from nonprofits and government organizations to help get the juices flowing. The visuals range from simple to complex, highly illustrated to a basic numbers-focused design, colorful or neutral, some of them are data driven while others are mostly informational. Think about these different attributes as you browse through these examples and that will help you figure out what will work best for your specific project.
Here it is, The Ultimate Infographic Inspiration List:
National Geographic: Education Resources Infographics
National Recreation and Parks Association: NRPA Infographics Library
NOAA: NOAA Ocean Service Infographics & NOAA Habitat Conservation Infographics
USDA Food & Nutrition Infographics & Agricultural Marketing Services Infographics
The Nature Conservancy Washington: TNC Washington Infographics
Sierra Club: Sierra Club Infographic Library
Center for Biological Diversity: Population and Sustainability Infographics
National Environmental Educational Foundation: NEEF Resource Library
I’m always updating and adding to this list, so keep it in your bookmarks and check back at your leisure. Good luck on your infographic planning journey, I’m here to help if you need it!
I’m Margo! A graphic designer who works with environmental nonprofits and mission-driven brands on projects like logos & branding, annual reports, maps, and infographics. I work with my clients to create beautiful and meaningful design that amplifies the marketing efforts it takes to ignite action and change. Visit my portfolio to see some of the projects I’ve collaborated on with nonprofits to protect the environment.