What's your Earth Day Promise?
Our favorite mountains, rivers, oceans and forests only exist on Earth. Let’s protect it!
Happy 50th anniversary of Earth Day!
I sent postcards to 30+ recipients with a prompt to make an Earth Day Promise.
It’s Earth Day, a day that usually inspires us to get out, gather and honor our planet. With the lockdown and social-distancing measures in place, it’s difficult to safely celebrate and take action. I was feeling worried that Earth Day would be completely forgotten about with this more immediate global crisis happening.
Last week, I asked my friends, family and followers to participate in a special Earth Day project. I mailed out over 30 postcards with a prompt to make an Earth Day pledge and share it on social media. I’m extending this invitation to everyone in an effort to gather and share our ideas to spread love and positive energy for our Earth. Please fill out the form below and share your Earth Day Promise with me!