This Bag's For You: Leave No Trace
In this episode, I’m saying thanks to an organization that has inspired me over the years to leave nature better than I found it: Leave No Trace. Their 7 principles help anyone visiting the outdoors protect wildlife and wild places and have been essential in leading environmental stewardship efforts across the US and the world. I've been a Leave No Trace small business partner since 2019 and am grateful for the training, research and education they provide to help protect nature. Thanks Leave No Trace, This Bag's For You!
FYI: the 7 Principles of Leave No Trace are:
1️⃣ Plan Ahead & Prepare
2️⃣Travel & Camp on Durable Surfaces
3️⃣ Dispose of Waste Properly
4️⃣ Leave What You Find
5️⃣ Minimize Campfire Impacts
6️⃣ Respect Wildlife
7️⃣ Be Considerate of Others