Going Carbon Neutral & Why it’s Good for the Earth

High Mountain Creative is now a carbon neutral design studio!

I recently underwent the process of purchasing carbon credits to offset my carbon footprint and make my business carbon neutral. We all financially benefit from the planet's resources in one way or another – whether it’s using paper for printing, fuel for travel and logistics, or energy to power the server hosting our website or storing our data. Committing to support projects that sequester carbon (such as protecting forests or planting trees) is important to me because it helps gives a little bit back to the Earth of what we took.

I’ll break it down and explain a little bit about CO2 and carbon offsets means and how it helps the planet. As you know, I’m a graphic designer, not a scientist, so this is a very simple explanation of carbon emissions and offsets.

Greenhouse Gases

First, let’s talk about the role of Greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas and we actually need this to trap sunlight and heat to keep the Earth’s atmosphere at a habitable temperature. However, we definitely don’t need as much CO2 as what’s being emitted with fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, oil).

Reduce Carbon then Offset the Rest

The obvious first step is to reduce our carbon emissions. For me, I walk or bike instead of drive, I shop for local food & products, I buy second-hand clothes and household items, I reduce my energy consumption by turning off lights and electronics, turning the heat down (hello wool sweaters), and being mindful about using appliances. I’m always trying to find new ways to live minimally. As a human living on the grid in 2021, there’s no avoiding having a carbon footprint. That’s why carbon offsets exist.

“A carbon offset is a method of compensating for the emissions you cause as a person or a business. Whether you’re traveling, using electricity, or doing anything else that leaves a carbon footprint, these activities can harm the planet.” - Cool Effect

Carbon Offsets

Forests, grasslands, soil and even the ocean all sequester carbon. Some more effectively and safely than others, but they all play their role. Organizations like Cool Effect work with groups around the world to curate projects that plant trees, protect old-growth forests, save grasslands and provide low-emission cookstoves in underdeveloped countries. Consumers (like us!) can support these projects by calculating our consumption and purchasing carbon credits to offset our carbon footprint. Different sites use different calculation methods, I really like the one The Arbor Day Foundation uses because it helps break down your usage. Not all organizations that offset carbon are created equal, they each offer different certifications, projects for sequestering carbon, and accountability systems.

Regardless of what business you’re in, we all have a carbon footprint. The important thing is that we’re mindful of our impact on the planet and do what we can to reduce it. If you’re interested in purchasing offsets for your household or small business, I’m always happy to chat and share what I’ve learned. The more the merrier!

I used Cool Effect to offset my carbon, but here are some other options if you’d like to explore more:
Carbon Fund
Climate Neutral
Arbor Day Foundation
Terra Pass

The average American emits about 17 tonnes of CO2 each year. I calculated that I emit 8 tonnes of CO2 a year but I’ve chosen to offset more than my calculated amount to increase my impact.


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